St. Mary Church is located at 176 Washington Street in East Walpole, MA at the corner of Washington Street and Rhoades Avenue. Handicap access is through the first driveway off of Rhoades Avenue. Follow the driveway up the hill and the church will be on your left. There is parking lot at the top of the driveway with handicap parking spots and a ramp to the side door of the church. The Parish Offices are located at 205 Washington Street, East Walpole. The Offices can be accessed from the parking lot, go to the door at the first awning on the parking lot side of the building. Office hours are 9am-1pm Tuesday & Thursday.
The Parish House (the former rectory) is located at 10 Diamond St, off of Rte. 27, Walpole, MA 02081. All staff offices can be found there, and the Parish House is available for all your parish business: meetings with staff people, counseling, spiritual direction, confessions, Mass cards, Mass intentions, parish registrations, signing up for parish donation envelopes, etc. Hours are from 9am-1pm Monday & Wednesday Call us at 508-668-4700 for more information or questions.