Welcome to the Walpole Catholic Collaborative faith formation program, serving youth and their families in the parishes of Blessed Sacrament of Walpole and Saint Mary of East Walpole.
Our faith formation programs aim to inspire youth in grades 1-10 to develop a desire to encounter Christ in their daily lives, to participate in the sacraments, and to fulfill their life-long call to discipleship through service to others.
The Church recognizes you, the parent, as the first and best teacher of the faith for your child (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2223). Children look to their parents for examples of how to live out their call to discipleship. Our faith formation program aims to support the efforts of parents by providing ongoing age-appropriate formation, opportunities to encounter Christ in the sacraments, and a focus on the liturgy with our weekly Sunday 9:30am Family Mass (at Blessed Sacrament).
Our grades 1-3 program, led by Cait & Paul Dufault, is a family-centered program that incorporates on-going faith formation with preparation for the sacraments of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation, and meets once a month on Sundays at 8:30am and Mondays at 4:30pm in the Blessed Sacrament School. Contact Grades 1-3
Our grades 4-8 programs are led by Director of Faith Formation, AnneMarie Dion. Grades 4 & 5 meet once a month on Sunday mornings, focusing on the Pillars of our Faith: The Creed, the Sacraments, Moral Life and Prayer. Our Middle Schoolers, those youth in Grades 6-8, attend once monthly sessions on Sunday evenings from 6pm-8pm at our Saint Mary campus. Contact Grades 4-8
Our Confirmation program, currently for youth in grades 9 & 10, meets once or twice monthly on Sunday evenings from 6pm - 8pm at our Saint Mary campus and focuses on not only preparing youth to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, but also to heed the call of discipleship in serving others through completion of Service requirements. Contact Confirmation Team
Registration for Grades 1-3 has closed, but limited space remains available. Please email [email protected] if you'd like to enroll your child for Grades 1-3.
For more information and to register for grades 4-8, please click here.
For more information and to register for the grades 9 & 10 Confirmation program, please click here.
To use our online payment option, please click here.