The season of Lent is upon us beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and continuing for forty days until Easter day, and the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Lent is a time of preparation and reflection that stems from ancient Jewish tradition and calls for us to spend our time in Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving as we commemorate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Lent is also a time of Penance, where we resolve to spend extra time in prayer and fasting to heal our broken relationships with God due to our human capacity for and tendency to sin.
Beginning with Ash Wednesday, the Catholic Church invites the faithful to participate in various activities and celebrations which help to commemorate the final days of Jesus' ministry and presence here on earth. Here in the Walpole Catholic Collaborative, we offer many different opportunities for the faithful to mark this sacred liturgical season: